Nehemiah 4:1-6
How To Keep from Being Overcome Our Enemies’ Reproach: Resisting Satan’s Schemes – Part 1
Nehemiah 3:1-32
How Can We Who Are So Different Work Well Together? Learning From God’s People Who Arose and Built Together
Nehemiah 2:9-20
How Are Leaders to Motivate God’s Servants To Do His Work? Learning From Nehemiah’s Example of Godly Leadership
1 Peter 5:8-9
How Can We Withstand the Opposition Satan Brings when We Serve Christ? Prep for Nehemiah 2
Nehemiah 2:1-8
How Are We to Deal with Impossible Situations? Part 2 Learning From Nehemiah’s Faith in Action
Nehemiah 1:5-11
How Are We to Deal with Impossible Situations? Learning From Nehemiah’s Awesome Example
Hebrews 4:14-16
How Can We Find Help in The Midst of Weakness and Temptation? Jesus, Our Great High Priest