Support Equipping Bible Church

Financially Support Equipping Bible Church and/or Equipping the Saints

We are grateful for the Lord’s provision, as He faithfully provides for this ministry in so many ways.

We encourage you to first give locally, where you are taught the written Word of God as directed in Galatians 6:6-8. After prayerful consideration, if you sense the Lord would have you help financially support this ministry, above and beyond your local giving, you may do so below, as you’ve purposed in your heart, cheerfully and not out of compulsion. (II Corinthians 9:6-11)

May the Lord continue to be glorified through this ministry.

Give Online

Using the button below you can make a secure, tax deductible, one-time or recurring donation to EBC or ETS.

If at any time you are unsure of the process, you may use your browser’s “Back” button to return to the previous screen. If you have problems navigating the giving form with a mouse, use your “Tab” key.]

Give Through the Mail

Mail checks to:

Equipping Bible Church

PO Box 427
Reidville, SC 29375

Please make all checks payable to Equipping Bible Church.

If giving specifically to Equipping the Saints, write ETS on the memo line.

Thank you so much!!!