Greg Lundstedt
How I Came to Faith

I remember putting my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was six years old. God really used my parents in the process. I thank God for my biblical up-bringing, where my parents laid a foundation for sound biblical doctrine.
I was a good kid until my teenage years. My parents impressed upon me the importance of having Christian friends. I did not listen. This was the beginning of my back sliding. I got into pot and alcohol in high school, yet was pretty good at keeping this a secret from my parents.
On February 14, 1991, I was stopped by the police and spent a night in jail. For years, God had been convicting me of my sin and that night the Lord graciously set His heavy, loving hand upon me and made it clear to me that I had to choose Him or the world, bringing to mind Joshua 24. I repented of my sin and trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. In hindsight, I believe this was when I was truly saved.
From that wonderful Valentine’s Day to the present, I have had a deep desire and commitment to read, study, teach, preach and share God’s written Word. Jesus Christ has become my life. As I have grown in my relationship with Jesus Christ, He has continually shown me that I am not adequate, but that He is.
How God has Gifted Me
I believe that God has graciously gifted me with the spiritual gift of pastor/teacher. Besides a great love for God’s Word, I have a deep desire to teach and preach His Word. I praise Him for the great blessing of serving with these gifts by His power and strength alone.
Training and Experience God has Blessed Me With
After graduating from San Jose State University with a B.S. in Aeronautics and before attending Western Seminary, I was a corporate pilot for six years in the San Francisco Bay Area. During that time, God was impressing on my heart that He has called me to preach and teach His Word. While attending Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, CA, God began to provide various outlets to study and teach His Word and met my wife, Hillary. In 1996, I felt led to begin full time seminary studies at Western Seminary’s San Jose extension in Los Gatos, CA. While attending seminary, I interned at our home church, Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto.
After graduating from Western with a Master of Divinity degree in 1999, I pastored a small church in Waterford, CA for one year. God greatly used this experience to drive us to depend on Him and prepare us for future ministry. In Dec 2000, while seeking a pastoral position, we moved to Vancouver WA to work at Horizon Air as a mechanic and then was hired as a pilot 2 weeks before September 11. While seeking the Lord’s direction in the pastorate and while desperately searching for a biblical church in Vancouver, God opened doors to found Vancouver Bible Fellowship (VBF) in 2002. The Lord soon after opened the door the radio ministry of Equipping the Saints (ETS) in 2006. Equipping the Saints is heard on over 100 stations across the country and continues by God’s grace to grow.
In 2021, after ministering at VBF for 19 years, my family and I, along with six other families felt led to plant a church in the Greenville/Spartanburg SC area and moved from WA to SC to plant Equipping Bible Church ( Along with this church plant, the ministry of ETS was also relocated to SC in 2021. I am so grateful that God has put a tremendous desire on my heart to shepherd His sheep and to feed them with His Word.
My Family
God has blessed me with my wife, Hillary! We met at Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, CA during the summer of 1995 and were married on August 3, 1996.
Hillary was raised in a non-Christian home and became a believer December 7th 1990 at 26 and started attending Peninsula Bible Church and going to every Bible study she could while getting her teaching credential and a Master’s degree in Special Education from Santa Clara University. She taught at Los Altos Christian School for 6 years as a Special Education teacher of 3rd and 4th graders who had learning disabilities until our first son was born in June of 1998.
We have been blessed with two sons and a daughter and are so thankful to God for them. We homeschooled our boys through high school, and they have graduated from Liberty University and are following the Lord. Hillary devotes her time to homeschooling our daughter, teaching our women’s Bible study and working as a HomeWorks Consultant with BJU (Bob Jones University) Press Homeschool Curriculum. I am so blessed to be married to Hillary. God uses her in so many ways to grow me closer to Him.
My Interests
Although I happily gave up aviation to preach and teach His Word, by His grace, He has afforded me the opportunity to use my skills and experience as a pilot and an aviation mechanic (A&P) again to help our younger son pursue a career as a professional pilot, to which by God’s grace he now works.
An Invitation
I would like to personally invite you to come worship with us Sundays at 10am Eastern Time. Our worship is biblical and Christ centered. I look forward to meeting you!
If you have any questions, feel free to call or email. I would love to talk to you.
Greg Lundstedt